Summer Home Tour- Our House on Magnolia

Happy happy Second Day of Summer. Welcome to our 1929 Southern California parsonage. Here in California, we have hit the 100’s already and we are feeling it. The heat does things to people… my kids are irritable, I have been grumpy, and all I want to do is lounge. Anyone feeling me?  I have the AC’s bumping and the kids…

Free Encouragement Printables

Do you ever have one of those days where you are having a hard time convincing yourself that you can do it. Whatever “it” may be? We so often spend our energy and time comparing ourselves to one another and I know from experience that it only creates discontentment, anger, frustration, and doubt. Ain’t nobody got time for that!!! Right?!…

Chalk Paint Chalk Paint Chalk Paint

Chalk paint chalk paint chalk paint. Maybe one of my favorite concoctions known to man. Five simple words, no sanding or priming needed.  Do I have your attention now? Literally any piece of furniture in your home can be repainted and made good as new. This is one of my favorite ways to restore old furniture, and you would be…

The Best Sofa Ever

I never imagined that a piece of furniture would hold such sentimental value or have the capability of making me cry in the thought of letting it go. It may seem silly, but along with the material value the item may have comes the memories, and life that happened around that piece of furniture. My husband and I bought our…